Hints on project
Because, the pages on my project were (basically) fully clickable, the hidden easter eggs are well hidden. However, clicking her tail on pages 1 and 3 will refer to links of a separate project I took on this semester which animated her tail through chaotic attractors. The first to a website describing the project, and the second to a video of a result - of which I was able to create using skills I obtained on the third project for this course animating in blender.
The pizza oven is also a hidden link.
In total there are 5 pages to this project; 3 containing 3 variations of the lens 'ghost', 'time', 'human' describing the character as a ghost, human, and time traveller.
Nearing the end of my semester in Digital Art, I’ve realized a secret to digital art pieces. Normally, when something is published and shared it cannot be added onto unless a following piece is published. However, digital art pieces do have the power of growing and changing completely over time. On introductions our first day the professor acknowledged video games can be art, in response to my declaration of being a game developer.
The character Noir, which I designed for my first project in this class is one I want to have her own game. I found this project to be a great way of exploring her character, powers, and personality; which have in turn have inspired the gameplay of that game. So I’d like to grow this idea and art piece simulating a journal on her adventures, as I work to develop that game this summer. I think there’s a quality of life in art pieces which can change their meaning and contents over time.